Client Advisor
Our skilled Building Regulations team provide clients with compliance, co-ordination and management services and general advice to help discharge their duties.
Our Client Advisor services include:
Provision of Client Building Regulation Briefs
Helping with competency checks
Arranging declarations and notices
Setting up management arrangements including monitoring and reporting
Helping client close out their duties Under the Regulations
Supporting with competency checks

Building Regulations - Principal Designer
The Building Regulations Principal Designer (BRPD) is a statutory role responsible for planning, managing and monitoring the design work during projects design phase, specifically in relation to the Building Regulations. This is a separate role to the Principal Designer under the CDM 2015 Regulations and the role relates to Building Regulation compliance, not design risk management (as with CDM).
Our BRPD approach is as follows:
We provide Principal Designer (BRPD) services to clients in a proactive manner, resulting in practical design solutions which satisfy the regulations
As BRPD we encourage the designers to provide compliance information which is required for the Building Regulations application.
Our practical Building Regulation services ensure compliance by influencing the designers and design sub-contractors to comply with the Approved Documents under the Building Regulations 2010. This role can span both pre and post contract depending upon the procurement route adopted.

Advisor to Principal Designer
Some designers require help and assistance to perform their duties. Our Advisor to Principal Designers (APD) role supports the lead designer in satisfying their organisational competency to perform their duty holder's role as Principal Designer for Building Regulations.
Our APD services include
Preparing documents and reviews
Chairing and supporting design Compliance workshops
Support to the Principal Designer in discharging their duty holder obligations

Building Safey Act Advice and Consultancy
Additionally, we provide specialist compliance and design management related services as follows:
Building Regulations training and coaching including Approved Documents and compliance checking
Project and team performance monitoring
Seminars and training presentations
Building Regulations Compliance Policy and procedures consultancy
Higher Risk Buildings advice and consultancy
Building Regulations applications and support
Golden thread management